Friday, September 29, 2006

finally got my confirmation, after numerous calling up to putrajaya. well, not necessary to get transfer with or without confirmation, just apply for places short of staff, n u wil get sent. yet to do btn also, no black n white sayin tat must do rite.. tryin to evade as much as possible... n stil ambivalent on doin master this year.....

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Guess what guys? I just went for my induksi. Yup, after 3 years in service. I had mine in a hotel in Sg. Petani. Attended with all the juniors. Went with low expectations after hearing all the stories from those who went before me. But it turned out to be all right (except for the exam of course). Tiring but not as hectic as I thought. Food was great. (I heard stories of how at one induksi, the same food was served over and over again). We didn't have a lot of variety each meal but different food was served almost everyday. We also had steamboat and barbecue dinner. The team building was fun. We also had repelling and flying fox. I hear not all centres have these facilities. My induksi only lasted for 12 days. And have yet to attend BTN. Organisers say they are having one in November and all of us who went for the induksi this time will get to go. Hope my head of department releases me.
Hear that we will know our results after one month but the paperwork for confirmation takes 1 - 1 1/2 years to settle. So, guess I won't be able to apply for Masters soon. The other thing is, they say it's easier to get transfer after being confirmed. Thinking of a change of environment since have been at same hospital since housemanship.