Wednesday, April 16, 2008

to the new bride and groom...

Congratulations the new bride and groom! May the union be of the soul, heart and mind.May the union bring only happiness and a wonderful journey through life!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


for those who are having exam, all the best.
(darn, have to travel down to johor for clinical...)


whether ur having exams or not,busy gardening or not, busy plotting against amateur gardener or not-remember to submit income tax by april 30th

Waiting time...

So our new health minister wants to cut down our waiting time to 30 minutes...

why why why?? its not as if our waiting time is as bad as below right?

As it is, to clear the patients we are seeing them for like only 5-10 minutes each. To achieve 30 min... see in 2 minutes la. "so auntie... sakit ya... na bagi ubat... NEXT!"

It's ok, nw if only they can cut down the waiting time for our promotion to be process, for our transfers to be processed, for our complaints to be dealt with. Maybe the waiting time for admin work to be settled should also be 30 min?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

the plot thickens!

and i don't mean the shrubs. Looks like Patch has an inside ally...

Ignorance is bliss

Ah... what amateur gardener don't know won't hurt her... silence is golden... ignorance is bliss...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

amateur gardener replies..

Patch is not a useful helper - uses the garden patches for equestrian practices instead-
often seen dashing around garden, and jumping over gardener's "work of art"
no destruction noted as yet....

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

yellow shrub

Dear amatur gardener,
In order to save more water, maybe Patch can help recycle water by helping to water the plants. I can almost guarantee you a nice yellow shrub in no time!
P/S - love the little gate note!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

what does Cheng Beng reminds us?
our ancestral graves and our duty to carry out our tradition..paying respect to the deads the mystery unsolved, is there life after death?
we will be lying down there in another 50 years or so if we're lucky enough.
It is about future.
Our future isn't just one lifetime!!
we, human are interconnected at least to our next generation to come.
we may not have hope manipulating our death or destiny, but i think
we can do a bit more to our mother her i beg you... not for us (we are doomed already) but for our human race. Our blue planet....

Cheng Beng
