Monday, October 30, 2006

Was on call on Deepavali, 1st, 3rd and 5th day of Raya. Damn tired. You guys must have also heard about the quintuplets. Sad that we couldn't save even one of them. The last one deteriorated on the day I was on call. On top of that, we had a set of triplets and another set of twins. It's been multiple pregnancy week in Alor Setar. Our chronic ventilated patients in PICU also decided to turn bad during the long break. Luckily the quintuplets came out on a working day so that a few of us could stand by at once. It was chaotic in OT and NICU but at least we were a bit prepared. Too prem at 26 weeks and too small. Wish we could have saved at least one of them for the parents' sake.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy deepavali and selamat hari raya to those who celebrate!
Was on call over the deepavali weekend and only 4 people broke their noses and one broken ear!
hip hip hooray!
of course one of the broken nose also had broken his zygoma, maxilla and mandible. All because he was trying to hit his wife during his drinking bouts and was pushed to the ground by his son.
Happy deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya to those celebrating.

And good luck to all those doing calls over the long holidays

Monday, October 16, 2006

add me to the list of ambivalent people, yet dumb enuf to hand in the form...
to master or not to master
that is the question

submitted application already
am sure that i will regret during the masters programme itself - that is, if i get it...

paper chase - guilty as charged

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Master advert out today. Can check in today's NST or Berita Minggu. Can start applying online via
Good luk to all